Document Management

The following items have been either resolved (D#) or added to (F#) Nexsure. Click the Video icon to view the instructional video that details the changes to Nexsure.

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Item # Nexsure Version Category Subtopic Description of Change Video
D720, D868, F422, F423, D1617 1.92.5 Policies Attachments Changed servicing process so that attachments do not duplicate during policy servicing.
  1.93   Attachments A warning will be displayed if an attachment is too large.
E3068 1.83 Office Integration Validation Added Validate button to Nexsure toolbar. The button will validate the structure of custom fields such as HideBegin and HideEnd. It will help locate a problem related to the custom fields.
E3069 1.83 Office Integration Templates New functionality will merge the date in the document header and footers.
E3070 1.83 Office Integration Templates Added LOB ID and LOB Description node to LOB node in XML tree.
F685, F3708, F3805 - F3810, F3830, F3831, F4458, F4460 - F4462 1.95 Doc Mgmt Attachments

Client > Attachments: Added save filter settings. (F685)

Filter setting enhancement ‐ The filter screens will remain open when searching and other filter changes. (F3708)

Policy > Attachments: Filter Enhancements; The search filter will remain open through paging, added restore option, show filter option upon entry if no results or records exist, change placement of paging, toggle show/hide options. (F3805)

Added save filter settings and files per page drop-down. Policy > Attachments (F3806)

Filter Enhancements; ‐The search filter will remain open through paging, added restore option, change placement of paging, toggle show/hide options. Marketing > Attachments (F3807)

Added save filter settings and files per page drop-down. Marketing > Attachments (F3808)

Filter Enhancements; ‐The search filter will remain open through paging, add restore option, change placement of paging, toggle show/hide options. Opportunity > Attachments (F3809)

Added save filter settings and files per page drop-down. Opportunity > Attachments (F3810)

Added date variables. Client > Attachments (F3830)

Added date variables. Policy > Attachments (F3831)

Added date variables: Opportunities > Attachments. (F4458)

Added date variables: Retail Agent > Attachments. (F4460)

Filter Enhancements ‐ The search filter will remain open through paging. (F4461)

Added save filter settings and files per page drop-down. (F4462)

F2354b 1.93 Document Management Attachments Progress information is available when adding attachments to Nexsure.
F2482 1.93 Doc Mgmt Attachments Added folder structure for attachments. Security.
F2482 1.93 Doc Mgmt Attachments Added folder structure for attachments. Folder setup.
F2482 1.93 Doc Mgmt Attachments Added folder structure for attachments. Folder use.
F2601 1.92.5 Office Integration Attachments In Nexsure office integration, a fax number and phone number extension for the selected assignment has been added to the XML tree.
F2631 1.94 Doc Mgmt   Ability to have multiple instances of OI open at once.
F2646 1.93 Doc Mgmt Attachments Added ability to open attachments in read-only mode if checked out by another user.
F2675 1.92 Office Integration Templates Added functionality to import external Microsoft Word documents to Nexsure office integration documents.
F2965 1.93 Doc Mgmt Templates Policy Description field available to pull into a Microsoft® Word and Excel®template also viewable in the policy list summary screen.
F3014 1.93 Doc Mgmt   A window to prompt users to close open documents when logging out of Nexsure has been added.
F3281 1.93 Doc Mgmt Attachments When adding Microsoft Outlook® message attachments the user is provided an opportunity to name before attaching.
F3296 1.91 Office Integration Word Ability to save without closing document and saving then updates/renews session time.
F3297 1.91 Office Integration Documents Document divisions.
F3514 1.94 Doc Mgmt   Ability to enable and disable folder. Ability to copy folders.
F3716 1.94 Office Integration   Full merge field validation.
F3811, F3812, F3832 & F4459 1.95 Setup Document Templates

Filter Enhancements; ‐The filter will remain open through paging, added restore option, change placement of paging, toggle show/hide options. Setup > Document Templates (F3811)

Added search by doc type. (F3812)

Setup > Document Templates: Added files per page drop-down. (F3832)

Added date variables: Setup > Document Templates. (F4459)

F3992 1.95 Setup Document Templates Added ability to make templates inactive. (F3992)
F4277 1.95 Certificate Detail Attachments Switched order of Cancel and OK buttons on certificate add attachment screen. (F4277)
F5382 - F5408 2.0 Document Management Templates New Office Integration fields added including the ability to create claim document templates.